Collo Project Report Due 2/26/19

This semester I was interested in taking a ballroom dance class in order to try something I’ve always wanted to do, yet never had the opportunity to do before. I have started attending the Tuesday night ballroom dance class offered at 6 in the CPA, and thus far I have been able to experience the Rhumba. The instructors have said that other dances like the Rhumba, Tango, and Foxtrot will also be explored in future sessions.

Hours for this period: 12

Total Hours Devoted: 24


Volunteering Appalachian Service Project 2/16/19

Today I volunteered with the Appalachian Service Project from 8:30-12:30. I participated in this event through Volunteer ETSU, and I helped serve in the ASP warehouse cleaning and checking saws to make sure they were primed and ready to go for this coming summer. I also helped sweep the floors after we finished with all the work needed to be done on the saws. Total hours volunteered: 5 hours

Collo Project Report due 11/27/18

Since my last project update in October, I am happy to disclose that I have reached a new bench press max of 215 lbs! I have continued to be diligent in my workout routines, as I have been continuing to get up at 6am in the morning before class 6 days a week to work out and on then on the seventh day round out the week with about an hour of cardio. I have still continued to make visible gains in terms of physical appearance, bulk, and size, and I have been pleasantly surprised at the compliments I have gotten from my peers, family, and friends. While it is nearing the end of the semester, and I said my goal was to reach 220 lbs, I have not given up on that goal seeing as how there still are 3 weeks left, and I can make a wholehearted push to getting those extra five pounds! Furthermore, I am going to continue my chest work 4 days a week for an hour workout. Therefore, I have worked on my collo project for 40 hours thus far.

Collo Project Report due 10/23/18

Since my last project update, I have made significant strides in increasing my bench press as I successfully hit a new max of 210 lbs! In my last blog post I said I wanted to raise my goal to 220 lbs, and I am going to stick with that goal for the end of the semester as we are halfway through the semester, and I am halfway to reaching my goal. I have consistently continued going to the gym 6 days a week to work out and on the seventh day I have been doing cardio. I have continued to make visible bounds in strength and physical appearance. I am still doing my chest work 4 days a week for an hour workout. Therefore, I have worked on my goal for 24 hours thus far.

Volunteering at Service Saturday-Habitat for Humanity (10/20/18)

Today I volunteered at the Holsten Habitat for Humanity ReStore Center in Johnson City, TN. I did this through Volunteer ETSU and their monthly Service Saturday program. I volunteered from 8-1(5 hours) and did a number of tasks in the Habitat retail store. I moved cases and boxes around, organized glassware, and primarily assembled Christmas trees and helped move them to the Christmas section(yes, though it’s only October, I believe it is never too early to start putting Christmas trees up!) I volunteered at this location last year, only it was in the warehouse organizing and cleaning that up, which is now in full use by habitat fortunately! I particularly enjoy volunteering at this site among the other places we go to volunteer because I deeply respect the work Habitat does and because of the history I have with volunteering with them back in Chattanooga and North Georgia.

Hours volunteered: 5 hours

Collo Project Report due 9/25/18

This semester, my Collo project will be to be able to bench press 205 pounds by the end of the semester. I began weightlifting this past summer, and since school started roughly a month ago I have been consistently going to the gym every day and working out. Ever since the first day of weightlifting, I have made tremendous progress all around in my overall strength and physical appearance. Since the start of the project, which I assume officially kicked off after labor day when the email about the project was sent, my routine in regard to chest exercises has been 4 days a week for an hour workout. Therefore, thus far, I have worked on my goal/project for 12 hours. I have actually far exceeded my expectations of my ability, as just this morning I was able to hit 200 lbs. in bench press. I recognize now that I should raise my goal to 220 lbs., which should be a more challenging goal to meet over the next three months.

Final Collo Project Update(4/27/18)

This will be my final collo project update for the semester. I was not quite able to reach my goal of reading three novels, but I was still able to complete 1 1/2 so that’s certainly better than none! This past week in my reading of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo and his band of hobbits have successfully evaded the ringwraiths and have safely made it to the house of Tom Bombadil, whom has the magical power to transform into a great grizzly bear. Tom warns the hobbits of the dangers that await them in the High Mountains where hordes of orcs and mountain giants lurk. My reading for the week left on in the band of heroes making their way to the entrance of the High Mountains.

Collo project update (4/20/18)

Read 105 minutes.

This past week in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo is fleeing the ringwraiths as he voyages to Mordor in order to destroy the Ring of Power that the ringwraiths are in pursuit of. Currently, Gandalf has been captured and is unable to assist Frodo and the band of hobbits as they encounter elves, dwarves, orcs, and other mystical beasts in their flight from the ringwraiths.

Collo Project Update(4/13/18)

Read 105 minutes.

This past week in my reading of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo has embarked on his journey away from the Shire(perhaps permanently) and has entrusted Frodo with all of his belongings, including the Ring of Power that grants its user the power of invisibility. Gandalf warns Frodo of the tremendous power the ring holds and tells him that it is his duty to travel to Mordor and destroy the ring in the lava that resides there, for that is the only way to destroy the ring. Gandalf hastily sends Frodo out of the Shire since the Ringwraiths are in pursuit in order to reclaim the ring.

Collo Project Update (4/6/18)

Read 105 minutes. This past week in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf performs a magnificent fireworks show for the guests at Bilbo’s birthday. The guests all come to see him perform and nearly all his fireworks are designed by him.